Tuesday 24 November 2009

Quotes, TOK

I am going to collect some of the best ideas and quotations from TOK and elsewhere at EFIA Torquay/Torbay:

Sofia: "Art is an atom bomb and a time machine; it is a way of meeting interesting people."

Sofia in the same class came out with a great analysis of Darwins theory of evolution and the complete works of Shakespeare:

"They are both seriously over-rated"!"

And she justified her views brilliantly. This is great critical thinking! Can you recall her argument? If so, could you ask further questions to allow to get closer to the "truth"?

In TOK it is all about the questions, if you know the answer then someone in the class will have a question for you!

1 comment:

  1. I really liked that lesson!!
    There is no truth, actually. Not in TOK discussions. lol
    We should have a hidden camera in the classroom, it would be useful in the future.
