Friday 13 November 2009

TOK, Art

This is a quick gallery shot at the end of the second TOK session this week. We considered the question: What is Art? We also explored questions: What makes Art good? Can anything be art? And why does Art upset whilst Science re-assures?

Each student brought in their favourite piece of visual art and explained why it was significant to them. We asked if we could establish any guidelines to help us decide what art was and what made certain art good. In typical TOK fashion their were more questions than answers!


  1. I hope that we also will peer into other aspects of art, like music, as people also will percieve songs differently.

  2. We will definitely consider other Art forms and you can already begin to think about your favourite piece of music to play to all. In fact I need a volunteer to put all the class tracks on a cd that I can play in class. We can have a Biology mix and a Physics/Chem mix and see if you listening tio similar or different types opf music!
